Reasons to Be Cheerful: I'm on Cartoonstock

I'm not very good at selling my own work and tend to leave it to others (e.g. King Features and Amazon). But I've been asked about availability of some of the personal work I've been putting up on as my Doodle Diary. Eventually, I hope to turn Reasons to Be Cheerful and New Zealand Diary into books, but that is waaaaay down the track at the moment.

In the meantime, Cartoonstock have offered me a way to sell my cartoons, so I'll give it a try. Clicking some of my images should take you to Cartoonstock and they'll take care of the sale of the work. We'll see how it goes. Click on the following images if you want to find out how it works (I do!).


Click the image if you wish to use it

Click the image if you wish to use it