I'm trying out a plant-based diet this month for health as well as environmental reasons. I’d really like to cut my meat and dairy consumption drastically, but the boyf isn’t as keen…
That said, being the sweetie he is, he treated me to a vegan lunch at Grater Goods, a plant-based delicatessen and cafe.
We went for the “Reuben” sandwiches and I thought it was better than a regular Reuben. But I have always struggled a little with the texture of meat, as well as the idea of it.
Reuben sandwich at Grater Goods
I’m not going the whole hog (ha!) though - I am keen to emphasise plant-based diet over veganism, as I still love wearing wool and leather.
Update 3rd July 2019:
I went the entire month of June with a plant-based diet. Eating at home was okay, but it was really hard to eat out apart from when we went to the vegan deli (see above).I didn't miss meat at all, but boy, did I miss cheese … and yes, I did discover the delights of nutritional yeast and I made vegan parmesan. And that was okay. But the vegan cheese on pizza? Not the same…
I celebrated being off the cheese abstinence wagon with a cheese and sauerkraut toastie yesterday. Yum!