We are still missing Billie and we aren't ready to get another dog. But we are able to borrow a dog from up the road when the owners go away. He is a proper Jack Russell and chases everything. One time he stayed with us he escaped at 4 o'clock in the morning and we had to give up trying to get him back. He was chasing possums and the boyf was out on the street calling him back, wearing only a T-shirt, underpants and a pair of Blundstone boots. He saw Jack going in and out of people’s yards on the chase but felt he couldn't really follow him into our neighbours’ properties, in the middle of the night, dressed like that. I was up the road seeing if Jack would return to his home. He didn't.
We left the front door open and it was over an hour later that we heard the tic tic tic of his nails on the floorboards as he slunk back in.
Now he is ALWAYS on the lead with us.
Or on a very long rope.
Dog on a rope